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SET YOU FREE presents: 4 the Record
Event Description
A localised listening night focusing on show casing local talent from all different aspects of Hong Kong’s Music scene. The inaugural night will highlight the variety and depth in Hong Kong’s electronic dance scene. Embark with us on a musical journey, with each dj sharing their unique influences and experiences, collected whilst touring all over the globe. With a very special line up curated by @fergus Were bringing you a diverse mix of sounds, expect to hear everything from Dub to Rare Grove, Chicago house to ambient techno. In addition we will also be playing CW’s debut EP for the first time. Join us for a night celebrating some of the best local talent Hong Kong has to offer! All profits from the event will be shared between The Community Chest of Hong Kong and Teen’s Key Hong Kong, supporting those who need it most. SATURDAY 8TH OF FEBRUARY 18:00 till 23:00 SYF TAKEOVER @ AIA CARNIVAL BLUE GIRL “DAI PAI DONG”, CENTRAL HABOUR FRONT FEATURING XIAOLIN SUBEZ YETI Vsloria b2b Adrianna CW b2b Fergus JJ Brian 本地音樂之夜,專注展示香港音樂界各個方面的本地才華。首屆活動將突顯香港電子舞曲場景的多樣性和深度。 與我們一起踏上音樂之旅,每位DJ將分享他們在全球巡演中收集的獨特影響和體驗。 我們將為您帶來多元化的音樂混合,您將聽到從Dub到Rare Groove,芝加哥浩室到環境電子舞曲。此外,我們還將首次播放CW的首張EP。 與我們一起度過一個夜晚,慶祝香港最佳本地人才所帶來的精彩!活動所有收益將捐贈給香港公益金,以支持最需要幫助的人們。 2月8日 星期六 18:00 至 23:00 SYF TAKEOVER @ AIA CARNIVAL 藍妹“大排檔”,中環海濱 演出嘉賓
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General Admission
Sat, 08 Feb, 06:00 PM - 11:00 PM
AIA Carnival
First Release
HK$100.00 + BF
Sale Ended